The Postgraduate Master of Arabic Language Education (PBA) Program at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang is one of the leading study programs at the Postgraduate Program of UIN Malang. Master of PBA was established in 2009 in accordance with the Decree of the Director of Islamic Education Number Dj.I/690/2009. The curriculum implemented is a combination of the Arabic language curriculum in general and Arabic language education in accordance with modern linguistic findings in particular. The process of socializing religious values is also included in the teaching and learning process.
The existence of this Study Program is very relevant and prospective for undergraduate students from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature (BSA) and Arabic Language Education (PBA) for academic career development, scientific treasures and skills in both fields.
To become an excellent study program in research and development of Arabic language education with an inter and multidisciplinary approach, with national and international reputation, and characterized by Ulul Albab.
- Organizing superior and quality education and teaching in Arabic Language Education in accordance with the demands of development and community needs.
- Organizing research-based education and teaching (master by research) so as to produce thinkers, inventors and developers in Arabic language education.
- Developing community service programs that are more proactive and anticipatory in facing and solving the problems of Islamic education, especially in terms of Arabic language education.
- Developing a network of cooperation / partnerships with other universities both at home and abroad, and the user community of Arabic Language Education study program graduates.
- Providing wider access to master's education in Arabic language education to the community.
- Providing an excellent and professional master's degree in Arabic language education to meet the needs of the community.
NO |
1 |
23000011G21 |
Studi al-Qur’an dan Hadith |
3 |
2 |
23000011G22 |
Studi Peradaban Islam |
3 |
Jumlah |
6 |
1 |
23010421G01 |
Filsafat Ilmu (Studi Integrasi Islam & Sains ) |
3 |
2 |
23010421G02 |
Metode Penelitian PBA |
3 |
Jumlah |
6 |
1 |
23010421H01 |
Pengembangan Kurikulum PBA |
3 |
2 |
23010421H02 |
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Arab |
3 |
3 |
23010421H03 |
Teknologi Media PBA |
3 |
4 |
23010421H04 |
Pengembangan Evaluasi PBA |
3 |
5 |
23010421H05 |
Manajemen Program PBA |
3 |
6 |
23010421H06 |
Strategi and Metode PBA |
3 |
Jumlah |
18 |
1 |
23010422I01 |
Psiko-Sosio Linguistik |
3 |
2 |
23010422I02 |
Semantik - Leksikologi |
3 |
Jumlah |
3 |
1 |
23010421J01 |
Seminar Proposal Tesis |
2 |
2 |
23010421J02 |
Ujian Proposal Tesis |
0 |
3 |
23010421J03 |
Tesis |
6 |
Jumlah |
8 |
TOTAL SKS A + B + C + D + E = 41 SKS |
Dr. H. Syuhadak, M.A.
Kaprodi S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Dr. H. R. Taufiqur Rochman, M.A.
Sekprodi S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
No. | Nama Dosen | NIDN/NIDK | NIP | Jabatan Akademik | Biodata Dosen | Google Scholar | Sinta | Repository |
1 | Prof. Dr. H. Uril Bahruddin, M.A. | 2009057201 | 197205092003121003 | Guru Besar | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
2 | Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Hamid, M.A. | 2001027301 | 197302011998031007 | Guru Besar | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
3 | Prof. Dr. H. Wildana Wargadinata, M.Ag | 2019037001 | 197003191998031001 | Guru Besar | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
4 | Prof. Dr. H. Munirul Abidin, M.Ag | 2020047201 | 197204202002121003 | Guru Besar | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
5 | Prof. Dr. H. Roibin, M.HI | 2018126801 | 196812181999031002 | Guru Besar | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
6 | Dr. H. Halimi, M.Pd | 2016098101 | 198109162009011007 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
7 | Dr. H. R. Taufiqurrochman, M.A. | 2018017701 | 197701182003121002 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
8 | Dr. Hj. Umi Machmudah, M.Pd | 2008106801 | 196810081994032004 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
9 | Dr. H. Zulfi Mubaroq, M.Ag | 2017107302 | 197310172000031001 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
10 | Dr. Danial Hilmi, M.Pd | 2030038201 | 198203302007101003 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
11 | Dr. H. Abdul Wahab Rosyidi, M.Pd | 2012077202 | 197207122000031003 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
12 | Dr. M. Faisol, M.Ag | 2001117401 | 197401012003121004 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
13 | Dr. Hj. Mamluatul Hasanah, M.Pd | 2005127401 | 197412052000032001 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
14 | Dr. H. Miftahul Huda, M.Ag | 2002107301 | 197310022000031002 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
15 | Dr. H. Ahmad Muzakki, M.A. | 2025046904 | 196904251998031002 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
16 | Dr. Hj. Galuh Nurrahmah, M.Pd | 2011027401 | 197402111998032002 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
17 | Dr. Nasrullah, M.Th.I | 2023128102 | 198112232011011002 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
18 | Dr. H. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, M.Pd.I | 2016067603 | 197606162005011005 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
19 | Dr. Hj. Meinarni Susilowati, M.Ed | 2003056701 | 196705031999032005 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
20 | Dr. H. Muhammad In'am Esha, M.A. | 2010037501 | 197503102003121004 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
21 | Dr. Abdul Aziz, M.Pd | 2008127201 | 197212182000031002 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
22 | Dr. H. Bisri Mustofa, M.Pd.I | 2011127201 | 197212112000031003 | Lektor Kepala | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
23 | Dr. Muassomah, M.Si., M.Pd | 2002047301 | 197304022006042024 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
24 | Dr. Hj. Dewi Chamidah, M.Pd | 2006097502 | 197509062008012009 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
25 | Dr. H. Syuhadak, M.A. | 2006017201 | 197201062005011001 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
26 | Dr. Abdul Muntaqim Al Anshory, M.Pd | 2012098401 | 198409122015031006 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
27 | Prof. Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd | 2014107101 | 197110142003121001 | Guru Besar | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
28 | Dr. H. Sutaman, M.A. | 2018077201 | 197207182003121002 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
29 | Dr. H. Slamet Daroini, M.A. | 2005037301 | 197303052000031001 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
30 | Dr. H. Ahmad Mubaligh, M.HI | 2014077201 | 197207142000031004 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
31 | Dr. Zakiyah Arifah, M.Pd.I | 2016048004 | 198004162008012020 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
32 | Dr. Laily Fitriani, M.Pd | 2028097701 | 197709282006042002 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
33 | Dr. H. Syaiful Mustofa, M.Pd | 2005077202 | 197207052006041032 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
34 | Dr. Ahmad Kholil, M.Fil | 2005107002 | 197010052006041021 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |
35 | Dr. Abdul Basid, M.Pd | 2020038204 | 198203202015031001 | Lektor | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat | Lihat |