New Student Orientation Master of Islamic Education Postgraduate Program UIN Malang 2024/2025

Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang has held a special orientation for the Master of Islamic Education Study Program as part of a series of new student orientation events for the odd academic year 2024/2025. This event was held in Building B, 1st Floor, Room 106 Postgraduate, at 09.00 to 11.30.

The orientation began with remarks from the Head of the Study Program, Dr. H. Mohammad Asrori, M.Ag. In his remarks, he motivated students to complete their studies on time, in order to make optimal use of the lecture period, especially for fast-track students who are still undergoing undergraduate programs. In addition, he emphasized the importance of maintaining manners and ethics during lectures, so that the knowledge gained can be useful and blessed.

Furthermore, the Secretary of the Study Program, Dr. Akhmad Nurul Kawakib, M.Pd., M.A., explained the system and technical lectures, including the process of filling KRS, exams, and learning methods that will be applied.

After that, the event continued with the division of classes. Students were given information about classes and lecturers who will teach. The Head of the Study Program also immediately divided students into several classes to prepare for next week's lectures. This aims to make students more prepared and organized.

In the last session, students are asked to elect a class president and secretary. These representatives will assist in the coordination of academic and non-academic activities during the study period. The activity was closed with the hope that all students can utilize this orientation as a successful first step in their academic journey at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The Master of Islamic Education Study Program is committed to equipping new students with strong knowledge and skills to achieve their academic and professional goals.

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