PASCAUINMLG. In order to increase the publication of scientific papers in reputable international journals, on July 30, 2024 it was agreed between the postgraduate program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and the Islamic University of Madinah to collaborate in scientific publications.
UIN Malang has an international reputable journal indexed by Scopus (Journal of Islamic Architecture, De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar’iah and Jurisdictie: Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah) and indexed by WoS (Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning) and the University of Madinah wishes to learn the management of reputable international journals to UIN Malang. Both parties can also do joint research and joint publication.
The joint agreement was also attended by Dr. Abdulwahed, Director of the Cooperation and Information Exchange section, Dr. Ahmad Alawaji, Director of Postgraduate and Research, Dr. Hasan Banajah along with the leadership of UIN Malang Prof. Umi Sumbulah (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs), the postgraduate (Prof. Wahidmurni, Basri Ph.D, Dr. Khoirul Hidayah) and also attended by the cooperation section (Dr.Barnoto and M.Faruq. M.Pd). The common hope is to increase the number of joint scientific publications in reputable international journals. (Irul)