Strategies to Increase Students' Motivation to Learn Arabic: PkM Prodi S2 MPBA UIN Malang 2024

Malang, August 10, 2024 - In order to increase motivation and competence in learning Arabic at the elementary level, the Postgraduate Master of Arabic Language Education (MPBA) Study Program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang implemented an innovative community service program (PkM) at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyatul Huda Malang. The event, which was held on Saturday, August 10, 2024, was a collaborative effort in supporting the transformation of adaptive and holistic Arabic language education in accordance with the Independent Curriculum approach.

Dr. H. Syuhadak, M.A., as the head of the service project, said that this activity was designed to strengthen innovative and participatory teaching methodologies. “Our goal is to integrate Arabic language learning with an approach that meets the psychological needs of students, so that it not only enriches their knowledge but also increases intrinsic motivation to learn,” Dr. Syuhadak said in the opening of the event.
Interactive workshop sessions led by Dr. H. R. Taufiqurrochman, M.A., explored various learning techniques and strategies that can be applied in the classroom. “We focused on the use of digital media and project-based learning methods to make the teaching and learning process more interesting and relevant for students,” added Dr. Taufiqurrochman. The workshop also included discussions on how to integrate technology in learning to suit the needs of today's digital generation.

In addition, this program received a positive response from Mrs. Suharnanik, S.Pd., Head of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyatul Huda. In her speech, Mrs. Suharnanik appreciated the cooperation that had been established and hoped to be sustainable. “We are grateful for the support of the MPBA Master Program at UIN Malang and hope that this activity will not only stop here but become the first step for a long-term partnership. Hopefully MI Tarbiyatul Huda can be assisted by UIN Malang MPBA Master Program for the development of more intensive Arabic language education,” she said.
The event ended with a question and answer session and group discussions that provided an opportunity for teachers to share their experiences and challenges faced in teaching Arabic. It is hoped that through this activity, teachers at MI Tarbiyatul Huda can implement innovative and effective teaching methods to increase student learning motivation.

This community service activity not only improves teachers' pedagogical competence but also strengthens the collaboration network between universities and madrasahs in a joint effort to improve the quality of Arabic language education in Indonesia. This is an example of how higher education can contribute directly to addressing educational challenges at the basic level, and prepare future generations with relevant and applicable skills. (TAFT)

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