Orientation Introduction to the Master of Arabic Language Education Study Program 2024

Malang, 28 August 2024 - Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang held a special orientation for the Master of Arabic Language Education Study Program as part of a series of new student orientation events for the odd academic year 2024/2025. Located on the 4th floor of the C postgraduate building, this event attracted the presence of 97 students who were enthusiastic about starting their academic journey.

The orientation was opened with remarks from Dr. H. Syuhadak, the Head of the Master of Arabic Language Education Study Program. With a rich educational background from Sudan and Egypt, he invited new students to get to know more about the academic culture they will face. “This is an important phase where you will be forged into qualified academics in the field of Arabic. Take advantage of these two semesters to really hone your research and writing skills,” Dr. Syuhadak advised the participants.
he second session was presented by Dr. H. R. Taufiqurrochman, MA, who serves as the Secretary of MPBA Study Program. He explained the curriculum structure designed for efficiency and academic excellence, which only requires 42 credits and allows students to focus on thesis completion in the second year. “We have designed this curriculum so that you can focus more on research and publication of research results in national and international journals,” said Dr. Taufiqurrochman. He also explained in detail the administrative and academic flow from thesis title registration to the judicium and graduation process.
This orientation event was also colored by a question and answer session, where new students were given the opportunity to ask questions about the academic and non-academic aspects they would face during their studies. This activity was closed with a group photo session, as a symbol of the beginning of the academic journey that will be passed together at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
With this series of informative and interactive orientations, the Master of Arabic Education Study Program hopes to prepare new students with strong provisions to achieve academic and professional success in the future. (TAFT)

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