struktur pasca 2022


  1. Leading the implementation of education, research, community service, fostering education staff, students, administrative staff, and administration.
  2. Planning, implementing and developing the vision, mission and traditions of UIN Maliki Malang within the scope of Postgraduate work, both in the academic, administrative and student affairs fields.
  3. Lead meetings in order to make decisions, formulate policies, coordinate and carry out work in the Postgraduate program.
  4. Leading and organizing education and teaching, research and community service, coaching lecturers, technical and administrative staff and fostering student affairs in the academic environment.
  5. Supervise the implementation of tasks in all work units within the Postgraduate Program.
  6. Provide periodic reports on the performance of their duties.


  1. Assist the Director in leading the implementation of education, research and community service.
  2. Establish and formulate Vision and Mission, Policies, Goals, Programs in the fields of education, research and community service.
  3. Provide guidance and technical services to lecturers, researchers, and the implementation of community service.
  4. Coordinate the preparation of educational programs in various levels and fields as well as student development efforts and reasoning power.
  5. Prepare cooperation plans for education and teaching, research and community service with other institutions both at home and abroad.
  6. Solving and resolving problems that arise in the fields of education, research and community service.
  7. Carry out an assessment of the achievement and process of organizing activities in the fields of education, research, and community service.
  8. Provide suggestions and advice to superiors.
  9. Reporting on the process and results of task implementation.
  10. Representing direct superiors to attend invitations to activities or official meetings that are related or not directly related to the main tasks and functions and outside daily responsibilities according to direction/disposition.


  1. Creating concepts, reviewing the work program of the Study Program, studying the duties of the previous head of the Study Program, making a work plan for the Study Program in the future, consulting the work program to the leadership.
  2. Conceptualizing the development plan of the Study Program as input for the Director; Mapping lecturers in the Study Program according to their workload and expertise Providing guidance to students.
  3. Coordinate the implementation of education/academics, Coordinate the making of SAP teaching, Compile/evaluate the teaching workload of lecturers every semester, Monitor/evaluate the implementation of lecture activities, Report in writing on the attendance of lecturers in lectures every month to the leadership, Coordinate the implementation of examinations and the entry of final grades.
  4. Submitting proposals for the assignment of guardian lecturers or academic advisors to the Director Seeing the total number of students in accordance with the Study Program, Seeing the workload of each lecturer, Dividing students according to the number of lecturers, Coordinating the implementation of student consultations with academic advisors.
  5. Submit / Propose to the Director the assignment of Lecturers as Thesis Supervisors
  6. Submit / Propose to the Director Schedule for Thesis Proposal Examination and Thesis Examination
  7. Prepare a study program operational cost plan per year based on the workload of the study program applicable provisions for the smooth running of lecture activities, Plan activities to be carried out by the Study Program, Make SOPs for activities to be carried out by the Study Program, Make a schedule for implementing activities, Monitor / evaluate the implementation of activities, Make academic reports in accordance with activities that have been carried out.
  8. Compile reports on the implementation of Study Program activities in accordance with the results achieved as an accountability for the implementation of tasks, Document all activities carried out by the Study Program, Present the performance results of the Study Program in accordance with the implementation of activities that have been carried out, Provide all reports on the results of the work program to the leadership.
  9. Carry out other official duties ordered by the leadership both written and oral.


  1. Assist in the implementation of the duties of the Head of Study Program
  2. Carry out the duties of the Head of Study Program in the implementation and development of academic and scientific activities in each study program and are responsible for the smooth and successful implementation of academic activities in their respective study programs.
  3. Analyze and project the need for learning resources in the form of literature, manuscripts, media and the need for teaching staff who meet academic qualifications.
  4. Analyze, plan and implement various efforts to develop study programs, such as research, comparative studies, as well as inviting guest professors and similar programs.
  5. Planning, organizing and controlling academic activities, both semester, annual, and incidental programs, and being responsible for their smoothness, order and success.
  6. Organize schedules for the implementation of academic activities in the form of lectures and research thesis guidance and examinations, both for semester, annual and incidental programs.
  7. Prepare and submit reports to the Head of Study Program regarding the implementation of duties and obligations that fall under his responsibility.


  1. Lead staffing administration services, academic administration, financial administration, student affairs administration, provision of facilities and infrastructure for academic, student affairs, and staffing activities.
  2. In charge and responsible for carrying out the administrative duties of the director, in the form of office management.
  3. Carry out administration and Urnum Affairs, equipment, finance, staffing and education in the Postgraduate program
  4. Carry out administration, finance and staffing, general and equipment, education, student affairs and alumni.
  5. Assist and facilitate the administrative and management processes required in order to expedite the implementation of the duties of the director, deputy director and program head.
  6. Make proposals and arrange various kinds of salary/compensation/honorarium payments for the implementation of academic activities in the monthly/semester/annual period.
  7. Plan, organize and control the use of various Postgraduate program office facilities and equipment.
  8. Provide various administrative services required for internal and external Postgraduate needs.
  9. Prepare and submit periodic reports to the director regarding the duties and obligations that are his responsibility. Financial budget planning and management.
  10. Management and guidance of personnel and administration.
  11. Procurement and management of equipment.
  12. Data and information management in the field of general administration and finance.
  13. Preparation of accountability reports for the implementation of their duties.


  1. Prepare work programs, materials and equipment for lecture schedule activities in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, so that the implementation of work can run well.
  2. Distribute lecture schedule to lecturers
  3. Filing lecture schedule
  4. Input lecture schedule to SIAKAD
  5. Receiving and Filing the study program card (KPS) from students who have been approved by the supervisor and head of the study program.
  6. Prepare work programs, materials and equipment for lecturer attendance list activities in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, so that the implementation of the work can run well.
  7. Print Student Lecture Journal
  8. Print Lecture Journal
  9. Making and Filing Survey Permits, Research Permits, Test Passing Certificates, Returns to Agencies, Recommendations, Introduction to the Library
  10. Making/Printing Forms of UTS, UAS and Individual Grades Receiving, Filing and Distributing UTS, UAS Files
  11. Making Letters and Filing Thesis/Dissertation Guiding Requests and Distributing Letters to Supervisors
  12. Making and Filing exam schedules in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, so that the implementation of the work can run well
  13. Contacting Examiners and Examinees
  14. Distribute Exam Files to Examiners.
  15. Creating Exam Score Files
  16. Prepare Exam Room (LCD, Laptop)
  17. Banner (Open Exam)
  18. MC (Open Exam)
  19. Monitor exam schedule activities in accordance with their field of work, so that the implementation is in accordance with the initial plan.
  20. Monitor lecturer attendance list activities in accordance with their field of work, so that the implementation is in accordance with the initial plan.
  21. Controlling the work program of lecturer attendance list activities, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, so that there are no deviations in implementation.
  22. Controlling the work program of lecture schedule activities, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, so that there are no deviations in implementation.
  23. Controlling the work program of exam schedule activities, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, so that there are no deviations in implementation.
  24. Coordinating with related units and or other agencies in the framework of its implementation, so that the program can be implemented in an integrated manner to achieve optimal results.
  25. Evaluate and compile reports on lecturer attendance list activities periodically, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions as material for the preparation of the next program.
  26. Evaluate and compile reports on lecture schedule activities periodically, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions as material for the preparation of the next program.
  27. Evaluate and compile reports on exam schedule activities periodically, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions as material for the preparation of the next program.
  28. Carry out other official duties ordered by superiors both in writing and orally
  29. Input Lecturer Course Grades, Exam Grades and processing Postgraduate Student Data into SIAKAD
  30. PDDIKTI Operator for All Majors in Postgraduate Program
  31. Postgraduate Website Manager
  32. Creating a Course Schedule
  33. Create/Edit Postgraduate Handbook
  34. Create/Edit Postgraduate Strategic Plan
  35. Creating/Editing Postgraduate Thesis and Dissertation Writing Guidelines
  36. Making Postgraduate Brochure
  37. KKNI Curriculum
  38. Accreditation Form


  1. Serve and assist students in terms of application / submission and distribution of certificate letters for student needs (survey permission letters, research permits, recommendation letters for diploma collection, etc.)
  2. Receive examination registration files for master's program (thesis proposal examination and thesis examination) from all departments to be processed immediately by the academic department.
  3. Receive examination registration files for doctoral programs (qualification examination, dissertation proposal examination, dissertation results seminar examination, preliminary dissertation examination and final dissertation examination) from all departments to be processed immediately by the academic department.
  4. Receiving, recording, distributing and archiving incoming letters both addressed to the director and the heads of departments.
  5. Serving legalization for students (for diplomas, transcripts, KHS, KTM, etc.)
  6. Managing stationery (submitting stationery needs, recording, organizing and distributing both to leaders, departments, staff and lecturers in the postgraduate environment)
  7. Assist in preparing consumption and attendance needs for all kinds of activities in the postgraduate environment including seminars, examinations, lectures and for the reception of guests both from within and outside the university; activities related to new student admissions (student registration, student entrance selection tests, student orientation, public lectures, etc.).
  8. Prepare and submit requests for procurement of supplies
  9. Administer incoming and outgoing supplies
  10. Inputting incoming and outgoing inventory data
  11. Make a proposal for the creation of a new inventory reference code
  12. Carry out Physical Inventory Opname
  13. Prepare minutes of Physical Inventory Opname
  14. Submit inventory ADK and reconcile with Central Inventory Operator
  15. Prepare and submit inventory reports, inventory detail reports, inventory mutation reports and inventory balance reports.
  16. Carry out other tasks ordered by the leadership both in writing and orally:
  17. Receive and check the completeness of dependency-free files A1 and A2
  18. Printing the judicium decree
  19. Serving LCD loans and returns
  20. Checking the completeness of the leader's official vehicle by checking the brakes, oil and lights in the engine, radiator water, battery water and tire air pressure so that the vehicle can be driven properly.
  21. Checking the completeness of operational vehicles by checking the brakes, oil and lights in the engine, radiator water, battery water and tire air pressure so that the vehicle can be driven properly.
  22. Warming up the engine of the official vehicle of the leader to find out the abnormality of the engine;
  23. Warming up operational vehicle engines to determine engine abnormalities;
  24. Caring for the leader's official vehicle by cleaning the engine, inside and outside the vehicle so that the vehicle looks clean;
  25. Maintain operational vehicles by cleaning the engine, inside and outside of the vehicle so that the vehicle looks clean;
  26. Drive the official vehicle of the Document leader based on the destination and applicable traffic rules so that the vehicle can arrive at the destination safely;
  27. Drive operational vehicles based on the destination and applicable traffic regulations so that the vehicle can arrive at the destination safely;
  28. Repairing minor damages so that the official vehicle of the leader can operate properly;
  29. Repairing minor damages so that operational vehicles can operate properly;
  30. Reporting the results of task implementation in accordance with applicable procedures as evaluation and accountability material
  31. Carry out other official duties ordered by the leadership both written and oral
  32. Receive, record, and sort inventory items in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate searches.
  33. Receive, record, and sort office supplies in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate the search.
  34. Receive, record, and sort the Goods Inventory Card (KIB) in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate searching.
  35. Receiving, recording, and sorting Room Inventory Cards (KIR) in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate searching
  36. Provide cover sheets for inventory items, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, to facilitate control.
  37. Provide cover sheets for office supplies, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, to facilitate control.
  38. Provide a cover sheet on the Goods Inventory Card (KIB), in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, to facilitate control.
  39. Provide a cover sheet on the Room Inventory Card (KIR), in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, to facilitate control.
  40. Classify letters or documents of inventory items according to their type and nature, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate distribution
  41. Classify letters or documents of office supplies according to their type and nature, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate distribution.
  42. Classify letters or documents of the Goods Inventory Card (KIB) according to their type and nature, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate distribution.
  43. Classify letters or documents of the Room Inventory Card (KIR) according to their type and nature, in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, in order to facilitate distribution.
  44. Documenting Inventory items in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, for orderly administration.
  45. Documenting office supplies in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, for orderly administration.
  46. Documenting the Goods Inventory Card (KIB) in accordance with the applicable procedures and provisions, for orderly administration.
  47. Documenting the Room Inventory Card (KIR) in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions, for orderly administration
  48. Carry out other official duties ordered by the leadership both written and oral.


  1. Studying the POK (Activity Operational Guidelines) guidelines related to the release of the budget
  2. Studying regulatory guidelines related to the release of the Budget
  3. Collect and check invoice notes related to budget release
  4. Researching and analyzing invoice notes in accordance with the instructions related to the release of the budget.
  5. Processing invoice notes and presenting them in the form of accountability reports
  6. Compile and recapitulate invoice notes related to the release of the budget.
  7. Record problems and report to superiors related to the release of the budget
  8. Coordination with administrative staff related to the release of the budget
  9. Requesting authorization from the PPK regarding the release of the budget.
  10. Make, Request PPK Authorization and pay SPBy (Pay Order)
  11. Make Receipt list receipt
  12. Make a nominative list of receipts
  13. Make a reception list of recipients
  14. Make a list of receipts through the bank and recap the list of accounts
  15. Make Payment (transfer) through the Bank
  16. Authorize invoice notes originating from supply money
  17. Duplicating the invoice note file along with supporting data in accordance with the accountability report instructions
  18. Reporting the billing note file in the form of an accountability report to the head office
  19. Collecting taxes (State revenue)
  20. Paying tax (State revenue) in the form of Tax billing
  21. Reporting state revenue (Biling tax) to the Head Office Tax Reporting section
  22. Validating Tax (Ratification) (State Revenue to KPPN Malang City) which is sourced from NON PNBP
  23. Report tax validation to the Head Office Expenditure Treasurer.
  24. Record and book all transactions related to budget disbursements in the BKU.
  25. Recording and recording all transactions related to budget disbursements in the Book of Assistants.
  26. Record and book all LS transactions related to budget releases in the Direct Book (LS).
  27. Recording and recording all UP transactions related to budget releases in the Inventory Money Book.
  28. Recording and recording tax transactions related to budget disbursements in the taxation book.
  29. Recording and recording all transactions related to budget disbursement in the LPJ Book.
  30. Recording and recording all transactions related to the release of the budget in the minutes.
  31. Record and book all transactions related to budget releases in the Budget Control book.
  32. Draft report Accountability letter in the form of SPTB which results in the release of the budget
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