Uin Malang Postgraduate Tridharma Cooperation Agreement with Sekolah Indonesia Mekkah

PASCAUINMLG The visit of postgraduate leaders conducted with lecturers and students at Sekolah Indonesia Mekkah (SIM) on August 1, 2024 was in order to establish cooperation in the fields of education, research and community service.

Together with the Principal, Mustafa, M.Pd, explained that the postgraduate program is ready to become a collaborative partner for lecturer and student research. Community service activities and scholarships for children of migrant workers in SIM are the hopes of the school.

The teachers also hope to get access to scholarships to continue their master's degree. There is also great hope that SIM alumni students will receive scholarships at UIN Malang. One of the government programs through SIM is to provide awareness for students to become professionals and be able to return to Indonesia. The support of all parties including universities is expected to be a partner in the program. Postgraduate leaders Prof. Wahidmurni and Basri Ph.D gave a good response, and prayed that mutual hopes could be realized. (Irul)

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