1. Facilities that Support Education, Mentoring and Research

For the smooth teaching and learning process, the Postgraduate Program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has equipped adequate educational facilities, namely: (a) Lecture Room, (b) Computer Laboratory, (c) Language Laboratory, (d) Digital Library, (e) Library, (f) Seminar Room, and (g) Internet Room.

Each of these means of supporting the education process will be explained below:

a. Lecture Room

The Postgraduate Building used for lecture rooms is very decent and meets the specified standards. Each lecture room has a circular table, and is equipped with an OHP (Over Head Projector), LCD Projector and computer. Thus, lecturers and students can make maximum use of these facilities to support the teaching and learning process with the help of computers (computer assissted learning), and Multimedia Learning.

b. Computer Laboratory

The computer laboratory is provided with the aim of assisting students in getting to know more about the world of computers, especially in processing data from educational research, educational management, leadership, etc.

c. Language Laboratory

The language laboratory is provided for the practicum of Arabic and English for Islamic studies for students. This laboratory can be used at any time, especially during lectures in Arabic and English for Islamic Studies.

d. Manual & Digital Library

The main component or heart of higher education is the availability of a representative library. It contains a collection of books, scientific journals, individual and collective research reports, tools to facilitate the process of searching for book titles and other library needs.

A library supported by a collection of books, journals, and other forms of publication, as well as other library systems is a means of creating an academic culture. Postgraduate- UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has made this effort by completing reference books, journals and other forms of scientific publications, as well as the library system of the UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Center.

Digital Library is provided to assist students and lecturers in accessing various digital programs for education. Digital Library provides various CDs Islamic Studies (ad-Dirasat al-Islamiyyah), as well as Arabic and English that compiles hundreds of thousands of books and various digital and audio-visual programs such as books. educational leadership, pshcologycal leadership, Value education leadership, leadership challenge workbook, whart Fighting for Working Together for Your School? Etc.

Students can use the library facilities of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang if they have a Student Identity Card (KTM) and become library members. Students can borrow 3 copies of books with different titles, search for themselves (self service) reference books and journals that are borrowed then will be recorded by the Library officer to borrow for 1 (one) week.

e. Seminar Room

The postgraduate program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has provided a special room for seminars or discussions. This seminar room is used when there are discussion or seminar activities, guest lectures or inaugural lectures.

f. Internet Room

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has provided Internet space facilities that can be used to access information from within and outside the country for all students. This is intended so that all the latest information, especially in the field of scientific development can be easily accessed via the internet.

g. Educational Media

Educational media owned by the Master of Islamic Education Management Program in the teaching and learning process includes OHP in each lecture room, LCD Projector, whiteboard, discussion room and internet.

2. Infrastructure Availability

a. Number of buildings

Postgraduate Program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim is supported by the availability of a fairly representative building, which consists of office space, lecture rooms, library space, hall space, and so on..

b. Counseling facilities, legal aid, health services and sports facilities for students.

For students who face psychological problems and consult the counseling guidance office located at the Faculty of Psychology UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, while those who need legal consultation can ask for legal assistance to the Legal Consultation and Assistance Institute of the Faculty of Shari'ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, as well as health services at the polyclinic UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang located in the Bussines Center Building in addition to sports facilities in the Sport Center Building.

c. Student Lodging Facilities - Lecturers

Most of the students of the Master of Islamic Education Management Program come from within and outside Malang. This encourages the Postgraduate Program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang to provide lodging facilities (Wisma Takmir Masjid At Tarbiyah) that are adequate and support the learning environment on campus. Lodging has a capacity of 30 beds at a cost of Rp. 10,000, - per night / per person. For lecturers who come from out of town can use the Guest House facility on campus as well.

3. Management, Utilization, and Maintenance of Facilities and Infrastructure

The management of facilities and infrastructure is under the supervision of the General Administration Bureau of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and its staff (Equipment and Housekeeping Section) together with the leadership elements of the Postgraduate Program.

Utilization of space in accordance with its function, such as office space separately from one another, while other facilities together with other Masters study programs. (campus plan in the attachment)

Maintenance of facilities and infrastructure is carried out by the Head of General Administration and staff such as computer maintenance carried out by PUSKOM UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, as well as furniture / furniture maintained by the Equipment / household section.

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