Internal Quality Audit Cycle XVII as a Catalyst for Continuous Improvement

PASCAUINMLG. Batu, 6/08/2024. The XVII Quality Audit of the Postgraduate Program of State Islamic University (UIN) Malang has just been completed, marking an important chapter in the institution's efforts to continue to improve its quality and academic services. The two-day audit aims to evaluate and ensure that all academic and administrative aspects of the Postgraduate program have met the established quality standards. The audit process involved a team of experienced independent auditors led by Yossi Indra Kusuma, S.Ked., M.Med., Ed, all heads and secretaries of Postgraduate study programs and education personnel.

In his remarks, Yossi explained that the purpose of conducting an audit is not to find fault, but to fill the empty space for continuous improvement. During the audit, the auditor team conducted a thorough review of various components of the Postgraduate program, ranging from curriculum, teaching methodology, to supporting facilities. This audit not only identifies strengths and weaknesses, but also provides strategic recommendations for improvement. With the hope of spurring an increase in academic quality that sustainable,  relevant to the dynamics of the times.

The remarks of the Postgraduate leadership represented by the Chairperson of the Sharia Economics Doctoral Program, Prof. Nur Asnawi, conveyed the importance of cleaning and continuous improvement Postgraduate Program of UIN Malang is not only on technical and administrative aspects, but also strengthens a healthy, inspiring academic culture with performance standards beyond SN-DIKTI.

In closing, Nur Asnawi expressed his gratitude to the UIN Malang Internal Quality Audit Cycle XVII team who had been in charge, while hoping that this activity would be able to foster commitment and energy, as well as become a performance standard for postgraduate governance to provide optimal benefits. stakeholders. (N/A)



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