International Seminar: Contending Islamophobia and Clash of Civilization: Muslims' Critical Insights

Postgraduate Program of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang cordially invites academics, researchers, and the general public to participate in International Seminar on Islamic Studies which will be held on the day Wednesday, September 4, 2024. This seminar will raise a very significant theme in the current global context, namely “Contending Islamophobia and Clash of Civilization: Muslims’ Critical Insights”.

This academic activity is organized by the Master and Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies, and will present two prominent speakers who have an international reputation and important contributions to the study of Islamic studies:

  1. Prof. Dr. Mohd Roslan Bin Mohd Nor - A leading scholar in the field of Islamic studies and contemporary issues. Prof. Roslan will share his views on the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim communities globally, as well as how Muslims can respond to this challenge through a strategic and sustainable approach.
  2. Drs. Basri, M.A., Ph.D. - A scholar specializing in Middle Eastern Political issues and social dynamics related to Islamophobia. Dr. Basri will offer in-depth analysis and innovative solutions that can be applied in dealing with these increasingly complex global challenges.

The seminar is designed to critically examine various Muslim perspectives on the phenomenon of Islamophobia, explore the emerging global challenges, and explore creative and effective solutions to overcome them. By opening this seminar to the public, it is hoped that there will be broad participation from various groups, which in turn will enrich the discourse and deepen academic understanding of the issues discussed.

We hope that this seminar will be a productive scientific forum, encourage the emergence of significant new ideas, and make a meaningful contribution in enriching academic studies on Islamophobia at the international level.

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