Community Service Magister PGMI UIN Malang Trains MI Teachers in Mangliawan to Develop E-LKPD Based on Merdeka Belajar

Malang, August 15, 2024 - The collaboration of lecturers and students of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang held a community service activity by training Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers in Mangliawan in developing Merdeka Belajar-based Electronic Student Worksheets (E-LKPD). This activity was attended by teachers of MI Tarbiyyatul Arifin Mangliawan Pakis Malang Regency and a number of other teachers in Mangliawan District.

E-LKPD is one of the digital learning media that can be utilized in the learning process, the independent curriculum requires teachers to have the ability to use and develop learning media in accordance with the needs and characteristics of students. On the other hand, the rapid development of technology requires that learning activities are able to introduce technology to students.
The resource person in this activity was Dr. Hj. Samsul Susilawati, M.Pd as the Head of the MPGMI Study Program said that “nowadays the children of the alpha generation who have grown up in the digital era have really lived side by side with sophisticated technology since they were born until now” therefore in the learning process it is necessary to use technology wisely so that it can be useful in everyday life.
Dr. Mohamad Zubad Yaqin Nurul Yaqin, M.Pd. as Secretary of the MPGMI Study Program also explained that “in the learning process in elementary schools it is necessary to instill concepts in a factual manner and easily understood by students”. So that in the use of learning media, especially using E-LKPD, the uniqueness and local characteristics that exist in the local area can be inserted.

The Head of MPGMI Study Program also gave an example of developing E-LKPD which is integrated with local wisdom values and can also be integrated with Islamic values. Such as the wisdom of bantengan art in Malang Regency, typical MSME food in Mangliawan, mendit tourist attractions and so on can be used as material in developing E-LKPD. Of course this material is also adapted to the current independent curriculum, so that students will gain more knowledge and hope that in the future students can also develop their potential.

Furthermore, MPGMI UIN Malang students show various examples of digital media that can be used to make E-LKPD as well as provide tutorials in the process of making them. For example, making E-LKPD from the canva application which is very familiar in the community. Using the google sites website that can be adjusted to the needs of each. Finally, you can also use Flipbook or Html5.

The atmosphere of community service activities seemed that the teachers were full of enthusiasm and very enthusiastic. Discussions and various kinds of questions were also asked by several MI teachers, and answered by the resource persons. Positive responses and hopes were also conveyed by several MI teachers, especially conveyed by the Head of Madrasah MI Tarbiyyatul Arifin hoping that the future friendship will be well maintained and in the future can share about education with other themes. “I would like to thank you for the training on developing E-LPKD conducted for us teachers at MI Tarbiyyatul Arifin, because we are also learning more about technological developments, and various media that can be used during the learning process” said Mrs. Nur Baidah as the Head of Madrasah. Many new things are obtained, hopefully this activity can be sustainable and provide benefits, blessings for all of us.



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