Student Mobility of Postgraduate Students at Madinah Islamic University

PASCAUINMLGThe postgraduate visit at the Islamic University of Medina on July 28-31, 2024 was held by the postgraduate leadership with 11 groups which included students and lecturers. Postgraduate Director Prof.Wahidmurni hopes that the activities of student mobility The first time at the Islamic University of Medina was the beginning of research cooperation for student and lecturer collaboration. Deputy Director, Basri, Ph.D also explained that the activity student mobility on the Saudi Arabian campus needs to be improved to be able to carry out cooperation in competency training programs for lecturers and Postgraduate students.

The Head of the Islamic Family Law Doctoral Study Program, Dr. Khoirul Hidayah, who is the coordinator of the visit, also hopes that this activity can be carried out in the future to assist students in dissertation research through comparative family law. In this activity, students were invited to visit the library, publication and printing services for students' final assignments, and services for students' dissertations. sport center and Arabic language learning for new students coming from abroad.

Activities student mobility The students were welcomed by Dr. Abdulwahed, Director of Cooperation and Information Exchange, Dr. Ahmad Alawaji, Director of Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Hasan Banajah, Head of Student Aid, and Dr. Majed Alzahrani, Vice Chairman of the Institute for Development & Quality Assurance. The overall activity provided inspiration for students to get scholarships for further studies at the Islamic University of Medina. (Irul)

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